Children’s Rosary Book

Children’s Rosary A Prayer Group Movement for Children By Blythe Marie Kaufman, DMD MDS. This booklet contains all twenty mysteries of the Rosary with original illustrations for children and a special preface by Most Reverend Henry J. Mansell, Archbishop of Hartford, CT. By means of the Holy Rosary our children will be guided to safety and holiness under the protection of our Blessed Mother. This beautiful little book has a complete explanation on how to start a Children’s Rosary prayer group, step by step, including guidelines and the prayers of the rosary. It is also ideally suited to be used by children in prayer of the Holy Rosary. 32 pages, pamphlet style paperback, 4″ x 5.5″ size.

Available to order through EWTN Catalogue
The Children’s Rosary book is available to order through EWTN Catalogue! The book is being offered in two ways: both individually and in packs of 10 at a discounted price.
Click here to order an individual book through EWTN.
Click here to order ten packs of books at a discounted price though EWTN.
A link to our whole collection of materials through EWTN is available HERE.
Available to order through EWTN Religious Catalogue in Great Britain
Click here to order an individual book through EWTN Great Britain.
Click here to order ten packs of books at a discounted price through EWTN Great Britain.
Available to order through Sunrise Marian Distribution in Canada
Click here to order an individual book through Sunrise Marian Distribution.
Click here to order ten packs of books at a discounted price through Sunrise Marian Distribution.
Click here to view the whole Children’s Rosary Collection through Sunrise Marian Distribution.
Children’s Rosary Collection available to order through Cenacle Press, Ireland
Click here to view the whole Children’s Rosary Collection through Cenacle Press at Silverstream Priory in Ireland.
*Please note the Children’s Rosary book is carried in many book and gift shops. We try to keep an updated list of these stores on our blog. Bookstores interested in carrying our materials please contact us at or (860) 785 – 3340.
The English version of the Children’s Rosary book is available free in Braille through the Xavier Society for the Blind.
The Children’s Rosary book is also available to order in Spanish and French.
Those interested in bulk ordering of Children’s Rosary books or any of our other materials please contact us at
For those individuals who would like to start a Children’s Rosary prayer group and need materials such as Rosaries, and a prayer book to begin a group but do not have the funds to purchase them please contact us at:
We try to fulfill requests through donations we receive.